Always grouchy
Style and action photos and the model also blackjackon mannequin (30) now enjoy a bias in the film Love setaman. Garapan a film director Harry Dagoe Suharyadi will soon appear.
In the movie reflects the life of the day - the day the people of Indonesia, blackjackon seoarang role as the wife of a salaried director of a small television. Husband blackjackon performed by Surya Saputra.
"In my act, I always grumble, lament how melaratnya wife became director of television. In the movie I have 4 children are always rambunctious and noisy though. He berisiknya I mengerutu continue, "said blackjackon in Plaza Senayan, Jakarta.

Blackjackon that Maia had a role as a patron in Estianti television on travel band Dewa 19, said, the work involved in the film Harry Dagoe this is one of pride for him.