This band was established on 14 July 2003 with the name of "Equal". [1], however, was before the recording, female vocalist and drummer decided to stop. Then, changing the name to Equal Samsons.
The name "Samsons" is a name derived from behavior Chandra Christanto, the drummer. Before recording, requires a label Equal to undergo quarantine for a week. Every morning, X (the name bridges) up early and play drums, when colleagues are sleeping. Of course, friends X to be disturbed and said that behavior such as X, Samson. [2] Because often spoken, the Equal eventually renamed to Samsons.
Life on hold
Both albums, "Penantian Life", released on 25 May 2007. This album is made in 3 continents, namely: Asia (Indonesia), Australia and the United States). [3] is albums recorded during the month. Samsons also collaborated with the Sydney Philarmonic Orchestra for the orchestra sound.
First single is "Not Perfect Acts," collaborate with Gautawa Erwin, a renowned local composers. Samsons was syuting video clip "For You" on August 8, 2007, where President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to appear in this video clip. This is a tribute to the departing Indonesian soldiers to Lebanon as a member of the UN Peace Force. [4] Samsons has also released both single entitled "Luluh" in the form of video clips and MP3. [5]. Video clip "Luluh" is told about a woman who lost pacarnya's burn the whole body while berakrobat motorcycle pass through the circle of fire.
Anggota band
* Bambang Reguna Bukit (vokalis)
* Erik Partogi Siagian (gitaris)
* Irfan Aulia (gitaris)
* Chandra Christanto (drummer)
* Aldri Dataviadi (bassis)
* "Naluri Lelaki" (2006); dengan singel:
o Naluri Lelaki
o Kenangan Terindah
o Akhir Rasa Ini
o Di Penghujung Muda
o Bukan Diriku
* "Penantian Hidup" (2007); dengan singel:
o Kisah Tak Sempurna
o Luluh
o Hey Gadis
Gallery Picture Of Samsons

Samsons on cover 2
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